Shape the future with smart technology

  • Bachelor
  • Full-time
  • 4 years
Sensor Technology Hanze

Sensor Technology

4 years
Master of Science
240 ECTS
Start: September
  • Science and Engineering
  • Exact and Information Sciences

Do you want to make technology smart? Sensor technology is at the heart of technological progress worldwide. Smart cities, smart mobility, smart industry, smartphones, smartwatches ... With the major Sensor Technology of the Electrical Engineering programme, you can shape the future of everything around you: from healthcare to sports and from (renewable) energy to industry. Here's what you will find:

✔ Combination of theory and practice ✔ International with Groninger level-headedness ✔ Excellent job opportunities

Within the study of Electrical and Electronic Engineering you have many choices. After the joint first year you will choose the direction (major) that fits your interests. Besides Sensor Technology, you can choose Electronics or Mechatronics. So whether you want to work with sensors, the full breadth of electronics or moving systems - you will find your field of study at the Hanze!

Projects with impact

What makes studying at Hanze UAS unique is that you will work on projects for real clients and contribute to concrete solutions for current issues impacting society. Below, you can find some examples of projects our students engage in.

We are Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Sla over
  • Arnette Overweel-Vogelaar

    Lecturer and mentor

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  • Miriam Bergstra

    Lecturer and Internship Coordinator

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  • Julian Wilson

    Lecturer and mentor

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About this programme

During your studies you will learn all about the use of existing (smart) sensors and their various applications. You will discover how to make the world better, smarter and safer with sensors. Just think of the important role they play in healthcare, high-tech systems or energy. You will develop into a well-educated, highly sought-after professional with a large amount of technical expertise and a thorough knowledge of ICT and electronics.

The Sensor Technology major attracts students from all over the world. And we bring knowledge to our program from all over the world! 

Why choose the Sensor Technology major at Hanzehogeschool?

  • Combination of theory and practice: as a Sensor Technology student you will regularly work in our 'Working labs', at TechHub Assen and at Energy Academy Europe. You work on real assignments for real clients, but you can also work on your own (personal) projects in your free time! 
  • International collaboration with Groningen common sense: the projects you do are challenging, but you can always contact your lecturers or fellow students for tips, support or answers to questions. That is the advantage of working in small teams with a close-knit team of lecturers. And because you work with students from all over the world, you not only learn about your sensor technology, but also about other countries and cultures. So you develop professionally and personally!
  • Excellent job opportunities: sensor technology is everywhere. And its use is only increasing. The demand for specialists in this field is enormous: excellent job opportunities! After graduation you can work, for example, as a Technical Designer, Technical Advisor, project leader or scientific researcher. In addition, many graduates start their own company!
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Course overview

Year 1 - Propedeuse

You will get to know the versatile, fascinating and broad world of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. You will do this with all the first year students of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. You will take your first steps in designing and developing electrical engineering products.  In addition, you do various practicals.

In project assignments you and your fellow students tackle an interesting challenge, in which you immediately put what you have learned into practice. For example, you will learn to design and build a stress meter or a miniature energy system.

Have you discovered in year 1 that you would prefer to follow a different direction in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Mechatronics or Electronics)? No problem! You can simply switch.

Year 2

In year two you will study the major you have chosen. Have you chosen Sensor Technology? Then you will dive into the world of innovation and sensor applications. You will learn how sensors can be used to make appliances, machines and buildings smarter. You will often be busy in the workshops with practicals and apply all the knowledge and skills you have acquired to various projects in the field.

Year 3

In year three you deepen your knowledge further with a minor and an internship. You decide how you fill the space. You can take a minor at Hanze UAS, another university of applied sciences in the Netherlands and you can go abroad! During the internship you put your knowledge and skills into practice at an (inter)national company or organization. You choose which company that is.

Year 4 - Graduation

In year four you will complete the programme with an in-depth minor, such as Biomedical EngineeringIndustrial AutomationInternet of ThingsTechnology to Innovate or Flexible Energy TechnologyYou will also carry out a graduation assignment at an (inter)national company or organization. With your graduation assignment you will show that you are the beginning electrical engineer that the field is so eager for!

After your studies

Pursue a master’s degree

After your Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering you can continue studying for the title Master of Science by following a Master's programme. You can choose to follow a transfer master at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, such as our Master Smart Systems Engineering. You can also continue your studies at research university, for example the University of Groningen.

Students of the Electrical Engineering programme who continue their studies often choose:

  • Smart Systems Engineering, Hanze UAS Groningen
  • European Master in Renewable Energy, Hanze UAS Groningen 
  • Biomedical Engineering, University of Groningen

Career prospects

After the Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering you will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree and you will be able to work for companies and (research) institutions. 89% of graduates find their first job within a year. A large part of the alumni stays employed in the region, a small part is working abroad. Examples of positions are:

  • Research and Development Engineer
  • Research and Development Manager
  • Industrialisation Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Field Engineer
  • Lead Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer


Admission & Enrolment

Fields of interest

  • Exact and Information Sciences
  • Science and Engineering
Apply for this programme