Studying is way more than just learning theory and working in project groups. On the contrary - your side-activities are just as important to student life!
Introduction Weeks
ESN Introduction Week
Erasmus Student Network is the biggest international student organisation in the city and organises an introduction week, trips, and many other activities for international students. Check out their website to find out more and watch the video below for an impression of their activities!

Another big introduction week is the KEI week, taking place mid-August. The KEI introduction week is organised annually for all new students starting in Groningen in September, and is known as the biggest introduction week in Europe! Check the video below for an impression. Check their website for more information and watch the video below for an impression!

Other organisations for (international) students)
If you're into sports, or just want to sport to stay in shape, you'll be happy to know that Groningen has excellent sport facilities for students, organised through the ACLO! The ACLO is the biggest student sports organisation in Groningen and is very popular among international students. When you become a member for just €60,- a year, you can join all their sports clubs and use their facilities. Check out their website for more information and check out the video below for an impression!

City Central
City Central aims to connect new residents to Groningen so that they can integrate, contribute, and feel at home here. They organise many activities through which you can not only meet fellow internationals, but also meet locals and learn some Dutch
International Welcome Centre North
International Welcome Centre North offers services for internationals in three areas: government formalities (residence permits and municipal registration); information (practical information and referrals to reliable service providers); and events (a chance to start building a social and/or business network during events). Make sure to check them out!
International Welcome Centre North
The place to be for LGBTQ+ students in Groningen.
Ganymedes is a vibrant, diverse & supportive home for everyone!
GroningenLife is a platform for upcoming students in Groningen, created by a group of enthusiastic students who can tell you everything about the student life in Groningen. On their website you can find information regarding study, hotspots, culture, associations, housing, sports, practical and finance.
But there's much more!
These are just some examples of popular student organisations, but there are many more in Groningen! Check out the overview below for a list of other student organisations in Groningen.
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