
  • Subject or theme
Engineering thema's (11).jpg

What's cooler than building your own robot? In this second year module, you will work on designing and building your own robot. Your robot will soon be able to follow lines, find its own way, pick up blocks, take them to the other side of a course and avoid obstacles along the way! 

Of course, you won't make this robot alone but with a team of fellow students. Everyone works with their own specialisation. One of the team members will focus on designing a PCB containing all the electronics. Another team member is tasked with choosing the right sensors and processing the data provided by the sensor. And yet another teammate focuses on all the moving parts needed to move forward and pick up the blocks. 

In the meantime, you will receive a number of lessons on how to best design a robot. You will learn what is involved in programming a robot, and you will learn to ensure that it does not lose its way and delivers its packages neatly. 

The best part is the demonstration at the end of the module, where you show how your self-designed and built robot picks up the blocks and takes them neatly to the other side of the course!

Fields of interest

  • Science and Engineering