Broaden your horizon and facilitate conversations anywhere in the world!
Check whether you qualify- Bachelor
- Full-time
- 4 years
Broaden your horizon and facilitate conversations anywhere in the world!
Check whether you qualifyInternational Communication (IC) is a study programme for inquisitive students who understand the effects that messages, news and campaigns have on society, who feel comfortable using modern communication technology and who consider the world as their home. The programme trains students to become communication professionals who are proactive, innovative, creative, respectful and responsible.
International Communication is the right programme for those who enjoy communication, marketing and PR, but also want space for creativity, teamwork and discovering new cultures.
International Communication has interculturality as a main focus throughout its four years. This allows you to learn how to work in a global field, and how to work with and understand people from another culture.
You develop just as much from failure as from success, maybe even more.
By going through intercultural trainings, experiencing one study semester abroad and more, you will gain strong intercultural and problem-solving skills.
Clever and creative use of colours, shapes and people tell you a story, make you believe or feel something.
Our projects are a simulation of working in a communication department, advertising agency, consulting firm or as an independent entrepreneur in a global context.
Communication is a broad field of study that can take you into many different directions linked to diverse and complex subjects.
Together, we will discover your advisory, organisational and presentation talents. With lots of practice and constructive feedback, you will become a truly versatile junior professional.
As a communication expert, you always use language and stories to get your message across. Storytelling and language can be found in all kinds of expressions we see and hear around us.
What makes studying at Hanze UAS unique is that you will work on projects for real clients and contribute to concrete solutions for current issues impacting society. Below, you can find some examples of projects our students engage in.
Admissions Officer - available on Monday morning, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday morning and Friday
Study Career Desk
I do this. for example, by writing seo texts, monitoring keywords, link building and coming up with more new and creative ideas to increase the organic traffic.
Once I graduated I felt a strong need to experience as much as I could in the communication field. I wanted to understand what the right work position for my personality was, the right company for my work ethic and the right environment for my values.
Over the last few decades, modern communication methods have turned the world into a global village and constant technological innovation has changed the field of communication at a rapid pace. This requires today’s communication professionals to be able to adapt in a field that is constantly on the move.
The International Communication programme will give you the skills and knowledge needed for an international career in communication. You will develop the flexibility to adapt to changes in a fast moving industry, identify the dynamics behind effective communication and put the knowledge and skills you have gained into practice. You will learn about public relations, marketing, consultancy, crisis communication, public affairs and business communication. You will receive media training, learn how to write publications and organise an international event. Throughout the programme, special attention is paid to developing intercultural competencies and facilitation skills.
For more information on the International Communication courses offered, please see our ECTS Course Catalogue.
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The first year is divided into four periods and will give you a general introduction to the world of communication. You will develop English-language skills relevant for communication professionals. Throughout the year you will learn about cultural differences (intercultural competencies), develop media skills and be introduced to research methods and communication theories. In the first block on Crisis & Reputation you will develop an approach that aims to avoid issues in the media from turning into a crisis together with your international project group. You will learn how to monitor international media, how to write a press release and how to organise a press conference. The second block is about Online Branding. Your creativity will be put to the test as you develop online texts and visuals for real clients to increase their brand recognition or to promote their products. Visual communication and entrepreneurship are central to the block Media & Entrepreneurship. You will come up with an entrepreneurial concept and learn how to pitch that in a specific media format. You will get camera training and create a personal brand video. During the final block (Orientation on the Profession) of your first year you will organise a conference about the communication profession.
In the second year you will develop a media campaign and explore the theory of intercultural communication to help organisations establish and maintain international and intercultural relations.
The third year is an important year for International Communication, where you will gain experience abroad. You will do an internship with an organisation of your choosing, which can be anywhere in the world. The other half of the year is spent on exchange at one of our many international partner universities.
In your fourth year you will work in a personalised way towards your graduation, using programmatic assessment. A coach and mentor will help you determine how to show that you have achieved the programme learning outcomes and built the competences required to be awarded your bachelor’s degree. In addition to various projects for clients, you will choose from several specialisation electives.
After your bachelor’s degree, you can join our professional master’s programme in International Communication, Energy for Society or MSc in Business Studies (Interdisciplinary Business Professional). You can also choose another master’s programme at an academic university.
The International Communication programme prepares you for an international career in a range of positions:
In the first semester of the fourth year, you specialize on the basis of your own professional development.
The graduation semester is yet another opportunity to go abroad if you wish, as you must find your own client organization and can choose to do so anywhere in the world.
At the Mediadesk you can borrow the gear that you need for your assignments for free.
The Medialab is the place to be when you want to get creative and learn everything about graphic design, photography, film, and animation.
The Hanze Makerspace (HMS) is for all colleagues and students of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences! A creative and informal educational workplace where everything related to making something comes together.
Directly admissible
Mbo level 4: eligible for admission from all domains. We would urgently advise you to prepare for the content of the degree programme of your choice. There are two ways of doing this:
Are you 21 years or older at the start of the degree programme and do you not meet the educational entry requirements? You can demonstrate that you have the required higher professional education level by means of an entrance examination. The entrance examination consists of a capacity test, a Mathematics admission test and a motivation interview. You can apply for the entrance examination from April onwards.
The application process for the 21+ entrance examination consists of two different steps. You can register for the Mathematics entrance examination via Click here for the dates on which the Mathematics entrance examination is offered.
You can apply for the capacity test and the motivation interview using this form. In your application, among other things, we would ask you to upload a brief motivation.
The fee for the test is €65.
Admission requirements for International Communication:
Upper Secondary School diploma, at equivalent level to Dutch HAVO or MBO-4 or higher.
Non-Dutch diplomas are verified by the Nuffic organisation. You can access their guide to international education systems to establish whether your diploma is equivalent to Dutch HAVO or MBO-4 or higher.
Some examples:
- France: Baccalaureat
- Germany: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife or Fachhochschulreife
- UK:
GCSE 4 subjects (A* to C or 9 to 4) + GCE with 2 AS (advanced subsidiary) levels in relevant subjects (A* to C), 6 different subjects in total, preferably including maths and English.
GCSE 4 subjects (A* to C or 9 to 4) + GCE with 2 relevant subjects at A (advanced) level (D-E), 6 different subjects in total, preferably including maths and English.
English proficiency
A minimum level of English language proficiency is required. For more information and possible exemptions, please check the general Hanze page on language requirements here.
Please note that the general information on English language requirements mentions that some programmes have minimum subscores for IELTS certificates. For the International Communication bachelor the minimum requirements for IELTS certificates are:
Applicants may have a maximum of two subscores of 5.5, and no subscores lower than 5.5.
Admissions Officer - available on Monday morning, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday morning and Friday
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