VISKI: Innovative portal for recognition of transversal skills
VISKI website- Research project
The promotion of key competences, such as creativity and digital skills, is crucial for individuals to actively shape their professional careers and develop their employability. In the VISKI project, a portal is developed to recognise and validate transversal skills acquired in informal and non-formal learning settings. The focus is on challenge-based learning based on global challenges such as digital transformation or climate change.
The VISKI (Visible Skills) project focuses on challenge-based learning based on projects dealing with global challenges such as the digital transformation or climate change. The project is developing a practice-oriented tool for incentivising and validating transversal skills required in the European Skills Agenda. By involving five partners from different countries, VISKI will demonstrate how skills can be more easily recognised and better understood even across borders.
The VISKI project aims to develop a portal that measures and visualises transversal competences such as creativity and time management, acquired through non-formal and informal learning. This approach puts the learner at the centre of the learning process and combines social learning approaches, peer assessment, and expert feedback to validate non-formal learning.
The project aims to offer the VISKI portal, which allows learners to present the skills acquired through non-formal or informal learning in their own projects. The portal measures and visualises the transversal competences and combines the benefits of a portfolio with the benefits of third-party reports to validate non-formal learning.
The VISKI project has a significant impact as it fills the gap for easier recognition and validation of non-formal learning, not only nationally but also across borders. The portal makes skills visible through project sites and a figurative presentation of skills and competences. This will contribute to the achievement of the ambitious goal that the EU set itself in the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, namely to become the most dynamic knowledge-based economic area. The project aims to serve professionals, students, companies, and higher education institutes striving to support the development and demonstration of skills critical to personal achievement and employability, while also contributing to societal success.
Professor International Business
Lecturer & Researcher
Associate professor
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