Learn to solve problems within the area of industrial processes

  • Minor
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Industrial Automation

Start: February
  • Science and Engineering

Automation and optimising is the key to be competitive. This applies for the production of standard and not-standard products in an industrial environment. But this also applies for customised autonomous solutions for all kind of problems.

The Industrial Automation programme focuses on the automation of production processes and the integration of hardware and (sub)systems. Even working in the profession of a System Integrator it is important to appreciate the four main components of Industrial Automation; Process, Components, Information and Integration. Learning about the theory and its practical uses will provide you with tools to analyse, create and implement solutions for various problems in the area of Industrial processes.

The scope of this programme is on analysing and optimising production facilities and processes. The topics covered will include:

Project IA 10  
Hydraulics & Pneumatics 5  
Industrial Robotics and Automation 5  
Industrial Sensors 5  
Computer Vision and Image Processing 5  

Take a look at the ECTS course catalogue (please look at 'exchange programmes') for more information. The project is often a problem for which a company wants a solution or advice. So there is collaboration with real companies. This could be a project in chemistry, production, laboratory, medical and so on.

Students are expected to apply for the whole programme of 30 ECTS. The outline for this programme can vary from week to week. The programme is intensive and students who apply for this programme are expected to be available and present for the duration of the programme. 

NB: The programme is offered in Assen, a town 30 km south of Groningen. However, not many exchange students live in Assen, and Hanze UAS doesn't offer student accommodation in Assen. If you want to live in Assen, you need to find a room yourself. If you want to be part of an international student community and make use of the many services / activities offered to students in Groningen, we would advise you to live in Groningen and commute between Groningen and Assen (20 minutes by train). In that case you will have to take into account travel costs: a return ticket Groningen – Assen by train costs app. € 12 / day.

A project carried out during the Industrial Automation programme: an automated grass feeder for an artificial cow stomach

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Before you can start

This programme is accessible for Mechatronics, Electronics and Sensor Technology students. Students need to have completed 120 ECTS credits at undergraduate level.

Admission & application

Are you a student of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and do you want to apply for this programme? You can apply through Osiris. 

Are you a student of a different university of applied sciences in the Netherlands, you can apply for the programme through the website Kies op Maat.

Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Science and Engineering