Develop new energy network concepts with respect to transmission

  • Minor
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Energy & Power Electronics

Start: September
  • Science and Engineering

The transition from traditional power generation to renewable energy sources requires an increase in the operational flexibility of the network. Renewable energy sources, such as wind or photovoltaic are either cyclical, or they have a fluctuating power level. As a result, the requirements with respect to the operational flexibility of all components in the grid become more demanding. Therefore, new energy network concepts with respect to transmission (AC or DC), conversion and storage need to be further developed.

This programme fousses on generation, transport, distribution and the control of electrical networks for modern grids. Both low voltage and high voltage grids are studied. Everything is approached from the perspective of an electrical engineer.

The programme consists of a project and four courses: Power System Design, Power System Components, Renewable Energy and Power Conversion & Power Quality. The first two courses put emphasis on "classic" electrical grids, power generation and calculation methods, while the other two are providing in depth knowledge about renewable systems and the power quality aspects that come with modern electrical grids. With guest lectures, excursions, theoretical and practical assignments you will gain in depth knowledge of the subject. Throughout the semester the students will work in groups on a project in designing (components of) a modern grid.

Fundamentals of Energy & Power Electronics (5ETCS)

Elements of Energy Infrastructure (5ETCS)

Power System Design (5ETCS)

Power Electronics (5ETCS)

Power Quality & EMC (5ETCS)

Project Energy & Power Electronics (5ETCS)

Take a look at the ECTS course catalogue (please look at 'exchange programmes') for more information.

Please note that the schedule for this programme may vary from week to week. The programme is intensive and students who apply for this programme are expected to be available and present for the whole duration of the programme and to do the whole programme of 30 ECTS credits.

Before you can start

This programme is accessible for students Mechatronics, Electronics and Sensor Technology. Students need to have completed 120 ECTS credits (4 semesters) at undergraduate level.

The programme is also accessible for students who have a background in other engineering disciplines, but they need to have finished courses in the following topics:

  • Theory of electrical networks, AC and DC
  • Basic theory of electrical machines and transformers
  • Basics of electronics

Admission & application

Are you a student of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and do you want to apply for this programme? You can apply through Osiris. 

Are you a student of a different university of applied sciences in the Netherlands, you can apply for the programme through the website Kies op Maat.

Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Science and Engineering