Energy Governance

  • Minor
windmolen in zonnepark

Energy Governance

Start: February
  • Business and Economics
  • Behaviour and Society

This minor is for students with a keen interest in future energy markets and a passion for the environment. The minor addresses the relevant aspects related to energy governance from a multidisciplinary point of view. The emphasis is on the operational side, where you will look at energy transition from a managerial, economic and legal perspective.

About this programme

During the Energy Governance programme you will learn about what the relevant aspects are to consider, related to energy governance. Governance is the process of making and enforcing decisions within an organization or society. Governance has a significant impact on the organization of the energy markets, and you will be introduced to the latest developments of markets for electricity, gas, hydrogen and district heating. 

Furthermore, you will become acquainted with the interaction between innovation (e.g. technological) and business models. You will also analyze the different administrative levels (e.g. European, national, regional) from a legal and economic perspective. A brief introduction into corporate governance will also be included. 

In the first period the topics are energy law and economic regulation. You will learn to analyze the different value chains and business models and will learn the skill of market mapping. The second period you will work at EnTranCe - Centre of Expertise Energy of Hanze University Groningen, where multidisciplinary research takes places on the latest technologies. This is a hotspot for innovative companies, system operators, municipalities, researchers, and professors. You will work on legal and economic issues based on real life questions. This results in the ability of solving multilevel governance issues. 

What can you do with it?

After completing this programme you will have gained more insight into the ways of energy markets. The minor will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to develop solutions for energy transition related issues.

After participating in this programme, you could work as an advisor or policy adviser in the corporate sector or government. Or you could work for an investment company as an advisor on energy-related projects and startups. Closer to home you could help initiatives in your local community. 

Energy Markets still.png

This video, created by ExxonMobil (the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company) gives you a general idea of the challenges and opportunities in today's energy markets. Are you fascinated? If so, this pogramme is perfect for you!

This minor is a 30-credit programme.
Courses ECTS Credits Course code
Introduction to energy 5 SIRE9ITE
Energy politics 5 SIRE9EP
Introduction in energy law and economic regulation of energy markets 5 SIRE9IEL
Project energy cooperatives 5 SIRE9PEC
Risk and legal aspects of energy transition 5 SIRE9RLA
Future energy markets and new business models 5 SIRE9FEM
Project follow the money 5 SIRE9FTM
All these courses are spread across the two blocks

The content of the Energy Governance programme is currently being updated. Therefore, it is possible that the above mentioned courses may change.

Admission & application

Are you a student at Hanze University of Applied Sciences and would you like to enroll for this minor? It can be done via Osiris. A place in this minor is awarded based on a draw. For more information go to under 'Knowledge base - student' ('Weten & Regelen').

Are you studying at another university in The Netherlands and would you like to enroll for this minor? Then visit the website Kies Op Maat (KOM).

Students from our partner institutions abroad can apply for this programme as an Exchange Programme. For more information about the steps for our exchange application process click here.


Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Behaviour and Society
  • Business and Economics
Enroll for this minor