International Aid & Development

  • Minor
studenten IC

International Aid & Development

Start: February
  • Behaviour and Society

The International Aid & Development minor prepares you for work in developing countries. In view of the great cultural, social and socio-economic differences, living and working in such countries requires thorough professional and personal preparation and this minor provides it. Multi-disciplinary teamwork is key in the projects that are central to this programme. Please note that 8 weeks of project work abroad (in developing countries) is mandatory for which an extra budget of approximately €3000 is required to cover the expenses.  

About this minor

During the first half of the semester, you will choose and prepare for the project within a small team. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills during in-class sessions. During the second half of the semester, you will be part of a Hanze student team and contribute to a development project abroad. These projects are mainly linked to our established East African partner organisations located in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. 

If you are looking for a minor that will enlarge your worldview, force you to think critically about a wide-range of issues, allow you to have a life-changing overseas experience and give you friendships for life, then this is the course for you! 

Development in Practice 




This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills needed for working in an international development setting. The emphasis is on understanding the roles and responsibilities of the various actors involved in development and exploring the dynamics of their interactions and collaborations. You will gain an understanding of how development projects are planned and implemented, and about the critical importance of incorporating the cross-cutting issues of gender and environment within these programmes. You will also investigate the similarities and differences between humanitarian action and development practice, gaining an insight into what it would be like to work in these fields. You will take an active role in classes where assignments will be carried out designed to develop your practical skills. The process and outcomes will be recorded in a Portfolio, giving you an opportunity for analysis and to reflect on your learning.

Introduction to Development Theory 




  • This course aims to develop an understanding of the main concepts and approaches to the study of international development, and to develop the ability to analyse their relative significance. You will consider the concept of development from a variety of perspectives (including historical context, economic, political, spatial), and will study topics such as health, globalization, debt and conflict. A wide range of real-world examples will be examined, such as media reports, documentary films, case studies, and development issues raised by students and guest speakers. As part of your assessment, you will carry out an in-depth critical analysis of a current issue relating to the theory learnt in class and will explain and discuss your findings with the whole class.

Intercultural Communication for Development



This course prepares you to communicate in a sensitive way while participating in your project in the global South.

  • The module consists of four trainings:
  1. Intercultural sensitivity (cultural awareness, dimensions of culture in development)
  2. Intercultural challenges in development (case analysis)
  3. Diversity and inclusion
  4. Tools and techniques to facilitate engagement and interaction.
  • Meanwhile you study the specific culture of the country/region where the project is located by doing desk research and interviews. Moreover you participate as a buddy for Hanze guests from the global South. You collect your assignments in a portfolio. The learning outcomes are assessed in a criterion based interview.





This course enables you to participate in an actual development project in order to gain experience of working in the global South and to have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the programme. Small student groups will support a local organisation (usually a Hanze partner in East Africa) for a period of around two months. The emphasis of this experience is to develop your intercultural skills, as well as to gain a deeper understanding of the complex nature of development in reality. In collaboration with the partner organisation, you will carry out a project to investigate a particular issue that is specific to that area. You will use and develop the skills and knowledge from the first half of the programme in the planning and implementation of your project. You will have to demonstrate your critical thinking skills by recording, analysing and reflecting on your whole overseas experience, evaluating your own development as a global citizen and whether you wish to pursue a professional career in the development sector.

Before you can start

This minor is open to all students from Hanze UAS, other universities in the Netherlands (KOM) and exchange students. You have to be in the main phase of your study. A propaeduetic certificate is not required. Please note that 6-8 weeks of project-work abroad (in developing countries) is mandatory for which an extra budget of approximately €3000 is required to cover the expenses.    

For questions about the content of this minor, please contact the coordinator via the ‘Contact & FAQ’ tab above. 


Application for Hanze UAS students:

You can find information about the application procedures by checking the ‘Knowledge base’ in Myhanze.

Application for students from other universities in the Netherlands:

You can find information about the application procedures on the website Kies Op Maat.

Application for exchange students:

You can find information about the application procedures here.

Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Behaviour and Society