Ali Krayem is a first year Mechanical Engineering student from Lebanon. He studied Electrical Engineering in Lebanon for 1 year, but then decided to study abroad in the Netherlands.
'There are two reasons why I came to the Netherlands and study here. The first reason is because there are economical, social and political problems in my home country and the second reason is because the education system is very focused on theoretical education.'
'I actually wanted to study Petroleum Engineering in Lebanon, but then I switched to Electrical Engineering right before the course started. I studied this for a year before I decided to study abroad. And now I’m here studying Mechanical Engineering.'
'As you can see, I am really interested in engineering in general. I chose Mechanical Engineering at the Hanze because it is a very broad study. So I can change the specific field within engineering whenever I want to. The Hanze specifically caught my eye, because it’s ‘applied science’. It’s not just theory, but you actually apply the theory and see what you’re working on. That was very important to me, because in Lebanon all studies are very theory focused.'
'In my first semester we got to build a tracking solar panel and in the second semester we had a project about making a building sustainable. I really liked this, because I was doing something which I think is important. But as a first year student I didn’t really expect to get directly involved in this and to work with real clients. I’m surprised at what I’m able to do within my first year.'
'After finishing Mechanical Engineering, you stereotypically have to do something with cars or engines. But that’s not interesting for me. After my studies, I want to do something with sustainable and renewable energy. Which is why I also want to apply for the master study Energy for Society after finishing this course.'
'What I also like about the Hanze is that they make sure you have good mental health. They always ask the students how they are doing and how they feel. Especially with current issues, like the war in the Ukraine. They want to make sure you are okay and if they can help you.'
'The teachers and mentor are also involved with the students. Of course, it depends on the teacher, but in general I can always ask them questions or talk to them about something.'
'I would recommend Mechanical Engineering at the Hanze because it is an applied study programme. You can see what you work on and not just study the theory. And do I have any tips for new students? Be well organised, especially as an international student. With time planning and organisation you can manage anything.'
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