Moving to the Netherlands will require some planning and quite a bit of paperwork. Please take some time to read through the information below on immigration, housing, the cost of living, transport and other practical matters. Knowing what to expect will make your move so much easier!
Moving to the Netherlands
Depending on your nationality and the length of your stay, you will have some immigration formalities to deal with.
Finding accommodation in the Netherlands can be quite a challenge. Here is some of our advice on the matter.
Cost of living
Want to know how to manage your financial affairs while in Groningen? Here is what you can expect.
What is the best way to travel within Groningen and the Netherlands? Here are some of your options.
Healthcare and insurance
You will need adequate liability and medical insurance for your stay. Find out what you should do.
Registration as a citizen
If you are staying for four months or longer, you will need to register as a citizen. Find out how.
Opening a bank account
The easiest way to pay your bills in the Netherlands is to open a Dutch bank account! Here is how to arrange it.
Student jobs
If you are looking to earn some extra cash, work in the Netherlands can be hard to come by. Here is what you should know.