COP4HL is a project driven by Erasmus+/ Knowledge Alliance that focuses on the unique combination of Healthy Ageing and Entrepreneurship disciplines at Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

COP4HL - Communities of Practice for Healthy Lifestyle

Improving one’s health and well-being is one of the biggest economic and social challenges in Europe these days (Healthy Ageing and prevention: growing up and ageing). COP4HL stimulates an active and healthy lifestyle. Currently, plenty of research is being carried out. The challenge lies in ensuring that the interventions developed are actually being carried out in order to have an impact. COP4HL, therefore, focuses on the learning process that’s needed with partners/ institutions in various fields that encourage an active and healthy lifestyle. This comes down to social innovation.

The Healthcare & Well-being field as well as the Sports industry play a key role in creating the necessary impact. The common goal in these “Communities of Practice”, collaborations between businesses and organisations, municipalities, universities and end users, is learning from one another. The cooperation between the business field and universities is one of the most important characteristics of the Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance. Local and regional governmental organisations are also involved.

The COP4HL consists of five European cities and their Communities of Practice (COP): Malaga (Spain), Lisbon (Portugal), Kaunas (Lithuania) and Odense (Denmark). The different local COP’s may differ in their approach, but their common demeanour is their goal, structure and process guidelines. For instance, the COP in Malaga focuses on getting the elderly involved in fitness and well-being, whilst the COP in Kaunas targets children along with their intermediaries (i.e. parents, caretakers, school and the local community).

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