Social earning capacity experiment for Student Welfare with Citizen Science

  • Research project
Experiment Maatschappelijk verdienvermogen voor Studenten Welzijn met Citizen Science .jpg

The collaborating parties involved – VitaalNed, Hanze UAS students and research lecturers, along with the Municipality of Groningen - aim at gaining knowledge and experience regarding the successes and challenges faced when establishing mutual innovation processes that lead to an attractive lifestyle.

Recently there is a trend in an increasing number of psychological problems in the Netherlands. For this reason, the Dutch Ministry of Health has decided to focus on the themes of Prevention and Lifestyle in the health domain for the coming two decades. The aim of this strategy is to reduce psychological problems as well as cut back on the accompanying social costs.

Students are part of this trend: a recent national study revealed that 51% of students experience anxiety and depression, of which 12 are severe cases. Students often ignore their mental issues out of fear of stigmatisation or of it having a negative impact on their academics.  

Health innovation is often top-down and expert-driven, without adequately taking the context of the expected target group into account. Research shows that the impact of such interventions is lower than desired. This project will therefore use the ecosystem approach where relevant stakeholders in Groningen get together with the target group in order to improve the impact of such interventions effectively.

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  • Education
  • Health and Sports