Molecular & Cell Biology

Biologische en Medische Research 2019 4.jpg

Molecular & Cell Biology

Start: September
  • Science and Engineering
  • Health and Sports
  • Environment

Are you fascinated by what the CRISPR/Cas9 and other modern technologies in molecular biology can offer? Would you like to expand your bioinformatics skills and be involved in cancer research? This is your chance! Apply for the exchange programme Molecular & Cell Biology!

About this minor

This exchange programme is part of the bachelor programme Biology and Medical Laboratory Research. During this semester you will learn more about molecular biology and cell biology, two major pillars of contemporary scientific research in biology and medicine. Modern molecular technologies like next-generation sequencing, real-time PCR and CRISPR/Cas9, greatly facilitate scientists in their research. It is therefore important to gain knowledge and skills related to these technologies.

This practice-based exchange programme will let you discover the CRISPR/Cas9 technology, practice bioinformatics tools that help you in your molecular cloning procedure and learn various aspects of oncogenesis (cancer development). You will also have the opportunity to improve your scientific writing skills in English, and learn to set up and conduct a scientific experiment in the field of cancer research.

Title ECTS Credits Course Code
Molecular Biology 1 3 BOVH20RMOLBIO1
Bio-informatics 3 3 BOVH20RBIN3
Laboratory Course Theme 9 6 BOVH20RTHM9
Scientific Writing in English 2 BOVH20RSWE
Dutch Culture and Language 1 BOVH22RIAC1
Pathology 1 3 BOVH20PATH1
Genetics 2 3 BOVH20RGENS2
Cell Biology 1 3 BOVH20CELLB1
Laboratory Course Theme 10 6 BOVH20RTHM10

What will you learn

  • Theoretical and project work, based on real-life projects and involving lots of modern techniques in molecular and cell biology
  • Participation in an international atmosphere, working with students from different countries and cultural backgrounds, including The Netherlands

Before you can start

This exchange minor is open to students who have completed two or three years of a bachelor's programme in the field of (molecular) Biology, Biotechnology or Biochemistry, or comparable. We also require a CEFR level of B2 or higher. 

For questions about the content of this exchange programme, please contact the coordinator via the 'Contact & FAQ' tab above.

Admission & application

Please check with your home university whether there is an agreement set up with the Hanze School that is offering the exchange programme of your choice. To apply for and be admitted for our exchange programme you should take the following steps

  • 1. Be nominated by your home university

    Once you have been nominated, your nomination will be checked by us and confirmed to your home university by email. You will receive your application link during our application period.

  • 2. Submit your online application

    Once you have been nominated by your home university you will receive a personal application link and the application instructions during our application period. The application is fully digital and documents do not have to be send by email or postal mail. Make sure you do not miss our application deadline!

  • 3. Letter of Acceptance

    Once you have submitted your application we will check your documents. If you have to re-submit any documents, we will let you know. We will be sending out Acceptance Letters from the beginning of May when you start in September and from the middle of October when you start in February.

Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Environment
  • Health and Sports
  • Science and Engineering
Information on exchange