International Sustainable Entrepreneurship

International Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Level
- Language
- English
- Credits
- 30 ECTS
- Startmonths
- Start: September
- Locations
- Groningen
In this minor you will act as real entrepreneurs and innovators and learn to develop creative business concepts, applying strategies to promote development and maximise improvements in human and environmental well-being.
In recent decades business issues regarding sustainability have gained increasing attention in global settings. The question arises how do people and organisations successfully identify, evaluate and pursue opportunities for sustainable value creation and networking in an international setting?
For innovative entrepreneurs, this trending topic offers ample opportunities to seek ways to alter the existing "business as usual" practices and start focusing on new market opportunities, growth and innovation with benefits for people, society and the environment. In this minor you embark on a journey together with fellow students to create real impact!
About this minor
The minor International Sustainable Entrepreneurship is divided into the following basic components: acquire knowledge, application of theory and doing research. The minor has been arranged into two learning periods of 15 EC. Each period there is a central theme that connects the different courses into a viable learning environment.
Period 1: Startups
The central theme of this period is: what is your contribution towards society, both on a personal level and on a meso and macro level, and how can you set up a business which combines your personal motives with societal and environmental needs?
The theory will focus on different aspects of starting up a business: starting with/from the perspective of small businesses and startups, new business concepts like Triple Layer Business Model Canvas and alternative financing opportunities such as microfinance, crowdfunding etc. This period also focuses on the economic and commercial aspects of a startup business. You will apply sustainable business practices and innovative thinking like long-term food supplies, energy savings methods etc. You will also work on a project assignment to create, build and execute an innovative business concept into a sustainable business plan.
Period 2: Strategic Management
How can an organisation best secure its survival in a constantly changing environment in which, for example, globalisation, market forces, new entrants and new technologies play an important role? More importantly, how can an organisation develop successfully in a sustainable manner? How can a multinational company develop with an eye for people, planet and profit? In period 2 the focus is on how to develop a sustainable strategy for medium sized and larger organisations.
During the second period, the theme is strategic management. In this block, you will be given the task of advising a real client on how to make the organisation more sustainable. Furthermore, you will play an exciting business game where, as a management team, you will be given the task to successfully transform your own company into a sustainable multinational. Last but not least, in period 2 you will explore the topic of Sustainable Finance and learn how to make a sustainable investment plan.
Student story of Kevin Kraft, old participant International Sustainable Entrepreneurship and student International Business at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences:
'I really liked the topics that were covered and the materials that we used were the best materials I have used so far!'
I chose the minor because I am interested in sustainability, especially in a business context, and I want to specialise in sustainable business strategy and this minor fitted that perfectly. I have a passion for sustainability as it impacts our lives significantly and it gives me a good feeling to know that later in life, I could have a positive effect on the world. Also, there are a lot of companies currently wanting to become more sustainable and they are looking for people who can help them with that, so there is a good demand for the job.
I really like the way the minor was taught; the teachers were passionate and always well-prepared and willing to help you. I really liked the topics that were covered. The materials that we used were the best materials ever and the business simulation that we did which was really fun. Also, there was a good balance between theory and practice as it aligned with the projects we had to do.
During the first project we had to think of our own sustainable start-up idea and make a business plan. It was really motivating that we could choose our own idea and bring the sustainable aspect into it. There was a lot of space for creativity.
We came up with a more sustainable way of building by using hemp as it has a lot of sustainable aspects to it. We got to present it at a business fair of the Hanze where we had to present it to the different teachers walking around, which was good practice for the real business life as you only have a short period of time to bring over your idea and get people interested in it.
For the second project we had to get in contact with a company and analyse a specific aspect of the company, for us it was the commuting of the employees to and from work and come up with a solution to make this more sustainable.
It is a very international minor as there were students from lots of different cultures. To get the skills to work together, despite the differences in cultures, we also had classes to learn this.
I think for students that want to follow this minor it would be good to have a bit of background knowledge about business as it is a very business focused minor. If you are interested, I would definitely recommend doing this minor!

Before you can start
This minor is open to all students from Hanze UAS but most suited for students from business and/or communication related programmes. If you are interested in the topic of sustainability and keen to develop your entrepreneurial skills in an international environment you are invited to apply.
Admission & application
Please check with your home university whether there is an agreement set up with the Hanze School that is offering the exchange programme of your choice. To apply for and be admitted for our exchange programme you should take the following steps
1. Be nominated by your home university
Once you have been nominated, your nomination will be checked by us and confirmed to your home university by email. You will receive your application link during our application period.
2. Submit your online application
Once you have been nominated by your home university you will receive a personal application link and the application instructions during our application period. The application is fully digital and documents do not have to be send by email or postal mail. Make sure you do not miss our application deadline!
3. Letter of Acceptance
Once you have submitted your application we will check your documents. If you have to re-submit any documents, we will let you know. We will be sending out Acceptance Letters from the beginning of May when you start in September and from the middle of October when you start in February.
Find out more about our application process and practical matters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Jaap Mennes