De Koffiekring wins the Hannie Schaft Award

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Opening hogeschooljaar

During the opening of the academic year on 3 September, the Hannie Schaft Award was presented – an award for students who make an inspiring contribution to society. This year, the prize was awarded to Hedwig van Gennip and Derian Heerema for their project De Koffiekring (the Coffee Circle). The award, which has been given out since 2004, is named after Hannie Schaft, a resistance fighter during World War II.

Innovative project

Hedwig van Gennip and Derian Heerema have just completed their associate degrees in Social Work in Healthcare. Hedwig did a work placement at Werkpro, at the ‘Buurten bij Bernlef’ location. Buurten bij Bernlef is a community restaurant in the Paddepoel district of Groningen, run by people distanced from the labour market. As part of a study assignment, she and her classmate Derian investigated where an innovative project would be most needed. After extensive research, they came up with the idea to create De Koffiekring, a coffee circle designed to encourage independently living seniors to share positive experiences while involving Werkpro staff to foster mutual connection.

Great satisfaction

Derian and Hedwig wanted their internship to provide not only a positive result for themselves but also something that would genuinely benefit the residents. ‘It’s amazing to see how well De Koffiekring worked for the residents’, Derian remarked. ‘It’s motivating and gives a great satisfaction.’

‘We both had little experience with the elderly, but we encountered heartbreaking situations you wouldn’t expect’, Hedwig added. ‘Many people are quite lonely, even if they have children nearby. There was a woman who hadn’t been to the Paddepoel shopping centre, just across from Bernlef, in seven years because no one would take her. Those things really affect you.’ 

Positivity and connection

The jury had the following to say about De Koffiekring: ‘Hedwig and Derian have succeeded in creating a space where seniors experience positivity, connection, and self-reliance through their coffee circle.’ Hedwig explained: ‘Our research showed that there had been a coffee circle before, but the atmosphere was often negative, with a lot of gossip and complaints. We wanted to encourage a positive mood and give people as much control as possible.’

More than just a coffee break

De Koffiekring is more than just people having coffee together. It includes memory games, movement activities and themes that residents can suggest themselves. As part of their research, Hedwig and Derian consulted various stakeholders and explored the literature, resulting in a guide and step-by-step plan. Derian said: ‘We start the coffee circle with a check-in round, where we ask the seniors about the best thing that happened to them that week. The twist is that they try to remember as much as possible about what others share.’

Old photos

The newly graduated social workers also incorporated exercise into the programme. Derian said: ‘They are just minor exercises while sitting in the chair, but it really cheers them up.’ During the project’s pilot, Derian found some old LPs in her grandparents' attic and brought her record player along. ‘Everyone started singing and clapping along’, she recalled. That left them wanting more. Hedwig explained: ‘We try to let the seniors suggest as many themes as possible. Four people in the group are from Suriname, and they were keen to share their stories The others could ask them questions. Sometimes people bring objects, like old photos. If no one comes up with a topic, we have cards with different subjects. Tomorrow, we’re cooking together. Surinamese food. With help from someone at Werkpro.’

De Koffiekring takes place every Thursday. Outside of the group, the participants are also connecting more with each other. Hedwig explained: ‘It’s a semi-open group of about twelve men and women. Some of them have even met up outside the coffee circle. Recently, they went for coffee together at the shopping centre.’

An outing

Hedwig continued De Koffiekring through the summer holidays to ensure continuity and is still involved, even though her work placement is over and she’s graduated. ‘I still supervise the group on Thursdays. The idea is that a new student on their work placement, together with Werkpro staff, will take over De Koffiekring.’

Of the €2,000 Hannie Schaft Award, Derian and Hedwig plan to donate half to De Koffiekring. ‘We’re going to consult with the seniors to see what they’d like. I think it’ll be an outing’, Hedwig concluded.

Fields of interest

  • Behaviour and Society