International Seminar Imaginative Dialogues

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  • Locatie

    Minerva Art Academy, Praediniussingel 59, 9711 AG Groningen


With this International Seminar for professionals in art and education, we want to share the results of the three-year Erasmus project "A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues" - called PIMDI in short. Students and teachers from four master's programmes in arts education together explored the possibilities offered by the arts to initiate open, imaginative dialogues in a polarised world.

The PIMDI-project

Drawing on the resources available in the field of arts education, this Erasmus+ strategic partnership aims to develop a mode of education: the pedagogy of imaginative dialogues. This pedagogy takes the (potential) tension between incompatible differences as a productive and engaging starting point in order to open up a dialogical ‘third space’ between them. The aim is not to overcome or mediate these differences, but to let them co-exist in a shared ‘third space’ in which the contrast between them can be played out in a fruitful and non-violent manner. The project develops a framework that allows arts educators in various contexts to set up an imaginative dialogue that responds to the local situation at hand.


The seminar: towards a pedagogy of imaginative dialogues

During the project, experiences and experimental practices have been documented as well as the reflections upon them. This resulted in the writing of a series of theoretical and descriptive papers, the development of a format for multimodal reflective documentation, the articulation of an initial methodology, the establishment of a framework for a curriculum, and the collection of some concrete exercises and propositions in a digital toolbox. 

During the seminar we aim to share the results of the project in an active and dialogic way with professionals in arts education from universities and cultural institutions. We would like to invite scholars, teachers and other educators from universities and cultural institutions to respond to the pedagogy of imaginative dialogues, to bring in their own findings, and to explore in presentations, roundtables and workshops the potential of art and art education to contribute to society in which there is room for polyphony of different, and often incompatible, points of views. 

The costs of participation is 40 euros, or 20 euros for student.

Programme 31 August

9.30 Registration and welcome coffee
10.00 Welcome by Dorothea van der Meulen, Dean of Minerva Art Academy
10.10 ‘Imagine dialogue’ - an introduction to the PIMDI-project by Gudrun Beckmann, project leader, Hanze UAS, Groningen
10.30 ‘Reflective documentation’ – an introduction to the multimedia presentation by Riikka Theresa Innanen, artist, activist, Uniarts Helsinki
10.45 Short break
11.00 Conversations/Workshops: 1, 2, 4, 5 (see descriptions below)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Conversations/Workshops: 1, 3, 6, 7 (see descriptions below)
15.00 Tea & Coffee Break
15.30 Discussion Panel: a discussion of the results of PIMDI in relation to related projects and experiences. Chair: Martijn Boven Discussants: Barend van Heusden (University of Groningen), Lotte van den Berg (theatre maker), Evert Bisschop Boele (Hanze University), Gabriella Pataky (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest), Helene Illeris (University of Agder)
17.00 Conclusion and drinks

Conversations and Workshops


Sla over

Each of these transnational Master programmes is directed at students who are (prospective) educators in formal and informal arts education, but have different backgrounds in terms of artistic discipline and professional context. The project allowed these Master programmes to join forces, complementing each other’s expertise, sharing and combining pedagogical approaches, skill sets, and teaching practices.


  • Kunst en Cultuur