Healthy Workplace

  • Minor

Healthy Workplace

Start: September
  • Business and Economics

Worldwide, organisations are starting to take health and well-being of their employees seriously. This is becoming increasingly important for optimising productivity, sustaining employability and attracting and retaining talented staff.

About this minor

Worldwide, organisations are starting to take the health and well-being of their employees seriously. This is becoming increasingly important for optimising productivity, sustaining employability as well as attracting and retaining talented staff. With regard to physical activity, relaxation, nutrition and indoor climate, both problems and solutions can be found within the daily workplace. An innovative, interdisciplinary approach is needed to create the healthy workplace of the future.

The Minor Healthy Workplace brings students from different academic backgrounds and countries together. Real Estate Management, Human Resources Management and Facility Management are fundamental disciplines. The programme is built around a challenging practice-based project. You will learn to prepare a solid business case for implementing health-promoting workplace interventions for a company involved. This particular skill is very much in demand by employers hiring internal and external workplace consultants and managers.


The purpose of the minor is to create business cases for workplace interventions.

Participate in a challenging practice-based project

The Minor Healthy Workplace brings students from different educational backgrounds and countries together. Real Estate Management, Human Resources Management, Business Management and Facilities Management are fundamental disciplines, but the minor is open to students following other relevant courses as well. The international five-month programme is built around a challenging practice-based project. You will learn how to prepare a solid business case for implementing health-promoting workplace interventions. This particular skill is very much in demand by employers hiring internal and external workplace consultants and managers.

Linked to Living Lab Healthy Workplace

The programme is closely linked to the Living Lab Healthy Workplace. In this innovation project, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, together with industry partners, is developing new knowledge and tools for promoting healthy behaviours in the workplace. The Living Lab is a work environment in which data are collected with sensors, wearables and a mobile app to provide workers with feedback and to measure the effects of interventions. Participating researchers and practitioners in the fields of built environment, psychology, health and technology are involved in the Minor Healthy Workplace.

'I am interested in this field, it's a new world for me, I haven't seen any other similar programmes before, besides, it's also related to the programme I am studying now. I think the knowledge and skills of how to create and maintain a healthy workplace will help me to have a new perception of facility management." 

Lvhan Chen, International Facility Management

Programme and ECTS

Project: business case for workplace interventions (10 ECTS credits)

  • meetings with internal and external coach
  • meetings with subject matter experts
  • workshops business case development

Healthy workers & organisations (5 ECTS credits)

  • workplace as a tool for HRM
  • vitality, employability and performance
  • behavioural change and change management

Healthy environments & behaviours (5 ECTS credits)

  • workplace as a tool for FM/CREM
  • healthy buildings and work environments
  • workplace nudging

Personal portfolio (5 ECTS credits)

  • start assessment: who am I, what will I take and bring to the programme
  • building portfolio bases on desk research and project
  • final assessment: what did I learn, how will I use this

Knowledge transfer symposium (5 ECTS credits)

  • reflect on project experience
  • link to trends in professional practice
  • transfer to HWP network and successors

An introduction module and an excursion are also included in the programme. You can earn 30 credits with this minor.

You can download the complete course outlines and codes here! >> Dowload PDF document Healthy Workplace.

Before you can start

Healthy Workplace requires a minimum of 15 participants. If the minimum enrollment for this minor is not met, the minor will be cancelled. Students will be informed in time. Please enroll ASAP (as soon as possible)!

Frequently Asked Questions

Fields of interest

  • Business and Economics
Information on exchange