AI and your Future Profession

  • Minor
Jongens aan het werk voor minor

AI and Your Future Profession

Dutch, English
Start: February
  • Exact and Information Sciences

Do you want to prepare for the future in which you will have to deal with AI and data in your profession? Do you want to be able to use the power of data to become a better professional? Will your future job change drastically through the use of data and algorithms? And how can you also ensure that these algorithms are applied fairly and transparently?

About this minor

​Artificial intelligence (AI) and data are all around us nowadays; think of the face ID on your phone, the recommendations of Netflix, the advertisements you see on social media and the chatbot of your health insurer. Professionally, too, you will undoubtedly come into contact with the impact of AI and data in more or fewer ways. For example:

  • Can we predict the recurrence of leukaemia?
  • How much care does a patient need based on their Apache IV score?
  • How can we get better image recognition with less use of contrast fluid in MRI scans by AI?
  • Which students hand in their public transport card on time?
  • When are types of advertisements (online, physical, analogue) most effective?
  • Which clients run an additional risk of getting a bailiff at the door?
  • What is the right energy mix of a building, and when should which rooms be heated?

Do you want to prepare for the future in which you will have to deal with AI and data in your profession? So that you can use the power of data to become a better professional? Will your future job change drastically through the use of data and algorithms? And how can you also ensure that these algorithms are applied fairly and transparently?

Freedom of choice and structure

The minor has two essential starting points:

1. Freedom of choice for you as a student. In the first quarter, you can introduce your assignment and datasets within the courses so that they fit the profession for which you are being trained. But we also offer ready-made assignments with associated datasets from your field. In the second quarter, in consultation with the teachers, you largely determine your learning goals and how you will achieve them. 2. You work at the technical level that suits you. When you attend a non-technical course such as Nursing, HRM or Law. You can opt for the technically 'light' variant where you do not have to program but work with tooling such as Excel or Power BI. If you follow an ICT course, you can also go into depth with programming in python or R, for example, neural networks or specific variants of AI.

The education is made up of four parts from which you can choose. Because of the structure, you can choose from:

  • the Introduction AI (5 EC),
  • the Introduction AI + AI and your profession 1 (10 EC),
  • the entire first quarter (15 EC), or
  • semester as the whole (30 EC).

If you want to make a different combination, don't hesitate to contact us so we can discuss the prior knowledge.

Before you can start

  • This minor is open to all students from Hanze UAS, other universities in the Netherlands (KOM) and exchange students. You have to be in the main phase of your study. A propaeduetic certificate and prior knowledge is not required. However, except for Introduction to AI, Data Science and Ethics, you should have an affinity with data and be handy with software.
  • For questions about the content of this minor, please contact the coordinator via the ‘Contact & FAQ’ tab above. 


Application for Hanze UAS students:

You can find information about the application procedures by checking the ‘Knowledge base’ in Myhanze.

Application for students from other universities in the Netherlands:

You can find information about the application procedures on the website Kies Op Maat.

Application for exchange students:

You can find information about the application procedures here.

Frequently Asked Questions


Fields of interest

  • Exact and Information Sciences