New Audiences & Innovative Practice (NAIP)

  • Master programme
NAIP MADtech project

What does it look like to be a professional musician in today’s multi-faceted world? There are as many ways to be a modern musician as there are ways in which music is a part of the society in which we live. How do we define our individual artistry? How do we find and connect with our audience? How do we create a professional practice in music that can constantly reflect on and adapt to the society in which it happens? The New Audiences and Innovative Practice (NAIP) study will equip students to answer these questions.

The NAIP master helps you:

  • Find and refine your creative voice
  • Find and engage your audience. How can you connect to your audience through your music?
  • Become an adaptive performer/creator within a variety of interdisciplinary and social contexts.
  • Get outside of the conservatoire and do real projects with the community and other arts organisations.

NAIP is for students from all musical backgrounds and musical goals. Through taking part in interdisciplinary art making, exploring technological possibilities, engaging with society and making site specific art, students will develop the necessary skills to become creative and flexible all-round musicians that are able to create in and respond to any context. 

After Graduation

Upon graduating, you will be an innovative master of music who is able to perform, create, lead & facilitate your own musical projects at a professional level. You will have the skills to navigate collaborations with other professionals in interdisciplinary settings, as well as understand your own creative voice in context to society.



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