In addition to its regular education programme, Hanze also offers Honours education. Honours is a challenging programme where, alongside your regular studies, you can get even more out of your time at Hanze accompanied by like-minded students. Are you enjoying your regular studies but looking for more or something different? Then the Hanze Honours Programme might be just right for you!
Honours on Tour!
Are you a first-year student and would you like to learn more about Honours? Then join Honours on Tour at your favourite location from February 25th! You get a taster of the style and freedom of the Honours programme. You will gain insight into how to discover and further develop your own talents. The session is all about new perspectives and applying your knowledge in different ways. You only need to attend one session from this list.
The tour schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday, 25 February, 15:00 - 17:00, Van Doorenveste A 2.48
- Thursday, 27 February, 17:00 - 18:00, Wiebenga A 1.53
- Monday, 10 March, 16:00 - 17:00, Van Olstborg A 1.112
- Tuesday, 11 March, 15:00 - 16:00, Marie Kamphuisborg J 0.61
No registration required!
What is Honours?
Honours at Hanze challenges you to go beyond your regular studies. After your first year, you have the opportunity to take charge of your personal and professional development – if you choose to do so. The Hanze Honours College offers tailored exploration and guidance. With Honours, you will work on your own story. You can shape your education to match your interests. The labs offer opportunities for broadening or deepening your knowledge, helping you to find your place in the world with a stronger personal narrative.
What does the Honours Programme look like?
The Honours Programme allows students the freedom to step outside the usual curriculum. A rich and challenging educational offering is available to you. The programme starts in your second year of study. When we refer to Honours Year 1, this means your second year of study. The basic structure of the programme is as follows:
- Honours Year 1 (second year of study): You begin within your own school with two School Labs (2x 5 credits), where you can further explore what you enjoy within your study programme.
- Honours Year 2 (third year of study): You broaden your interests with Hanze-wide or interdisciplinary labs, working alongside students from other programmes and schools (2x 5 credits).
- Honours Year 3 (fourth year of study): You can choose between a Leadership Challenge or an Expert Lab (1x 5 credits).
Throughout the three Honours years, you also have the freedom to engage in various other activities that contribute to your personal and professional development through the so-called Punch Card Lab (5 credits).
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