- Language and Communication
Italian course offer
In this course you will learn the basics of Italian: saying hello and goodbye; introducing oneself; asking how someone is doing; asking someone’s name; numbers; telling something about yourself: studies, work, origin, aim of being in Italy, asking for someone’s roots/age; asking for the price; thanking someone.
After having passed Italian 1 as well as Italian 2, you will receive a certificate stating your level in Italian according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Type of course
Practical/skill training
Assessment type(s)
Oral exam, Written exam, Attendance
This course builds on the knowledge learned in Italian 1. You will learn to tell something about yourself: studies/work, ordering in a bar/restaurant, talking about your relatives, time, making appointments. In addition, you will learn about the grammar: some important irregular verbs (like andare, fare, venire, volere, potere and dovere); prepositions and articles, pronouns, past tense and past participles, negations.
After having passed Italian 1 as well as Italian 2, you will receive a certificate stating your level in Italian according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Type of course
Practical/skill training
Assessment type(s)
Oral exam, Written exam, Attendance
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