The Plant Production & Processing Professorship of the Research Centre Biobased Economy researches plant derived ingredients. Plants offer us enormous potential. We can use them to produce food products such as veggie burgers but also pharmaceutical applications such as supplements, skin care products such as sun cream as well as other products such as textiles, dyes and even glue.
Of course, it is important we also manufacture these products in a sustainable way. For instance, we use sustainable extraction methods to extract valuable substances from plants. This is how the professorship contributes to knowledge development for making (Northern) Netherlands more sustainable.
Transition Circular Bioeconomy
With this professorship, professor Rob van Haren researches the extraction of ingredients from plants. With this research, we want to make optimal use of biomass. An example is regenerative agriculture, where we grow plants and use every part of it for food and non-food applications. The professorship Plant Production & Processing studies how these biobased innovations can be converted into new products with added value for society.
LIBBIO: Experience the impact of the lupin bean
In the Horizon 2020 project LIBBIO (Lupinus mutabilis for Increased Biomass from marginal lands and value for BIOrefineries), professor Rob van Haren researched the Andean Lupin, a variety of the lupin bean. Not only is lupin high in protein and fibre, the plant is also good for the soil. This project was part of the Plant Production & Processing professorship. The team made three videos to show what the impact of the project was.
LIBBIO: Cultivation

LIBBIO: Processing and Supply Chain

LIBBIO: Valorization

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Rob van Haren
Lector Transitie Circulaire Bioeconomie