Module 2: Strategic Brand Manager

  • Subject or theme
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This module will give you advanced knowledge and skills you need as a strategic international brand manager.

Module 2: Strategic Brand Manager (15 ECTS)

In your role as a strategic brand manager, you will:

  • create brand strategies that align with organisational purpose and cultural values, ensuring they resonate across diverse markets.
  • develop a powerful brand positioning strategy by applying key insights in global branding and marketing communication while using expertise in online research, analytics, and intercultural communication theory.
  • learn how to communicate clearly and effectively across various platforms and technologies

In the second module you will dig deeper into intercultural sensitivity and communication, taking the first steps into developing your skill. Our lecturers and intercultural sensitivity trainers, Hanneke Brakenhoff and Irene Taroni, elaborate on the importance of being intercultural sensitive in today's world and in the context of the communication profession.

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