Module 3: Issues and Crisis Communication Strategist

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In today's fast-paced society, even minor issues can quickly escalate into major crises, especially with news spreading within minutes.

Module 3: Issues and Crisis Communication Strategist  (15 ECTS)

In your role as issues and crisis communication strategist, you will: 

  • use media analytics to monitor for emerging risks, potential issues, and crises that could harm the organisation’s operations and reputation.
  • create effective issues and crisis communication strategies, minimising damage and protecting the organisation’s reputation while maintaining trust with stakeholders.
  • demonstrate personal leadership to address ethical challenges in crisis situations.

Misinformation and disinformation can significantly impact issues and crisis communication by distorting public perception, eroding trust, and complicating response efforts. Inaccurate or intentionally misleading information can spread rapidly, forcing organizations to allocate resources to debunk false claims rather than effectively managing the crisis itself. One of our lecture, Jülide Kont, explores in her PhD disinformation and whether we can be "resilient" to it.

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Fields of interest

  • Language and Communication