Pink Saturday: Celebrate love!

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On 22 June, Groningen will host Pink Saturday for the third time. On that day we celebrate diversity, love and acceptance. Hanze is participating in the Pride Walk this year. We want to show that we stand for equality and respect for all individuals. We encourage everyone to join the parade. The Walk starts at 11.30 am at the Ossenmarkt.moedigen iedereen aan om mee te lopen met de parade. De Walk begint om 11.30 op de Ossenmarkt.

Text: Nathalie Meeuwsen and Loes Vader
Photos: Marnix Hoekman

Collaboration with Paradigm

Susanne Luurs, former student and teacher at Minerva Art Academy, and Hanna van Koldam, graduate of the Academy of Popular Culture have been responsible for the art, decoration and performance artists at Paradigm for a year and a half. They are working on the design of the pride float at the Suikerunie site. "In any case, we have a close collaboration with Minerva," says Luurs. "It's a paradise for art students here, a sanctuary where you can make anything. Set construction, lighting design, performances, paintings ... We want to give the young makers in the city a place to go and support young people’s growth. This is the perfect playground."

We are all working together to create this party - which is about accepting who you are, embracing your imperfections and being allowed to be who you are. Paradigm has its base in the queer scene. We want to show that everyone is welcome at moments like this. But it is also a protest, it's still necessary to speak out. Being together, enjoying the music, being connected, and showing that you are a united force , that is such a special feeling. Everyone who takes part in the parade will feel it, including those who are just shopping in the city. We have to do it together, especially in this day and age. Celebrate love and seek connection," concludes Hanna van Koldam. "Music is the Answer..."

There's music in Pride

Olga Melcer designed the panels that decorate Hanze’s Pride float this year. Olga came to Groningen from Poland to study Design at the Minerva Academy.  About this move, she says: "I wanted to work in a creative and diverse environment which was not possible in my country at the time, so I really wanted to explore the Netherlands. I had heard a lot about the diversity and freedom that artists have in this country, which I also experienced myself during my bachelor. I’m definitely staying here with my girlfriend,” she says. Pride is a way for Olga to feel safe and express herself. "I believe that everyone, regardless of gender or interest, should be able to love who they love."

Of the design for the float panels, she says, "I wanted to combine my simplified designs in pastel colours with the strong techno style of Paradigm, but with a queer twist to it." Olga's project Lovebite has been nominated for the Minerva Award for Design. Her work can be seen during the Graduation Show in SPOT/Oosterpoort from15 to 20 June.

Proud of our diversity

Board member Annemarie Hannink will also participate in the Pride Walk on Pink Saturday. "As Hanze, we are participating because we believe that everyone should be there and that everyone matters. Together we can show that we are proud of our diversity. For the first time, I will also participate in the Pride Walk and I hope that many will join. I will walk along in my usual attire, so not dressed any differently,  because everyone is allowed to be there in a way that is comfortable for them, while also showing respect to others."

Make-up team

The Hanze make-up team, dressed in fuchsia pink overalls, will be ready to put colour and glitter on people during the Pride Walk and at Drag me to the A. On request, students and staff of the School of Education will paint rainbow colours, glitter and hearts on people’s faces and hands to spread the love and demonstrate that it is okay to be who you are.

Drag me to the A

Especially for the LGBTQ+ community of the Hanze, Noorderpoort and Terra and for everyone who stands for equality and diversity, Lola Lasagna, temporary director of Museum aan de A, will welcome you on Pink Saturday between 16:00 and 20:00 to her exhilarating diversity paradise. Together with her friends, she will put on incomparable, dazzling shows in the courtyard of the museum.

Want to know more about Pink Saturday in Groningen?

Visit the website

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  • Behaviour and Society