This specific privacy statement applies to your contacts with the student counsellors.
One of the core tasks of student counsellors is to advise and inform students with regard to personal circumstances. Examples include a disability or chronic illness or other personal circumstances.
The information you share with student counsellors is treated confidentially in accordance with the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Guidelines of Hanze University of Applied Sciences.
This specific privacy statement should be read in conjunction with Hanze's general privacy statement.
What would you like to know?
Personal data are pieces of information that can enable another person to identify you. There are many kinds of personal data, the obvious ones being someone's name, address and place of residence. There are also certain personal data whose processing has a major impact on a person’s privacy because they are particularly sensitive. Examples include data about someone’s ethnic origin or religious beliefs, data concerning health or data concerning a person's sex life.
Student counsellors process mainly special personal data concerning the health of students, such as data concerning dyslexia, ADHD, a chronic illness, psychological complaints or other personal circumstances.
Student counsellors need your data to help you with your study progress. We advise and inform students dealing with personal circumstances. The reports we prepare are recorded in the digital system (Osiris), and this ensures that we can continue to build on earlier conversations, monitor you properly and continue to advise you during your academic career.
Student counsellors also give advice, based on your data, to third parties about the resources you need. Documentary evidence will sometimes be required to determine the personal circumstances and then give advice on resources. Examples include:
- financial support (student finance, Hanze UAS Graduation Fund, funds, tuition fees, etc.)
- examination facilities
- changes made in the education provided
The student counsellors assess which information is required and must be retained so that sound advice can be given. If you do not want us to save your personal documentary evidence, we will find a suitable solution in consultation with each other.
The reports we prepare are intended for any follow-up interviews and are retained for the student counsellor's own use and, if applicable, so that they can be transferred. This means that only student counsellors and employees of the Office will see them. Internal notes are not available for inspection. Such notes fall outside the scope of the right of inspection.
We collect data that are needed to make an appointment with you, such as your name, student ID number, email address and the subject of the conversation (in general terms). When you make verbal or written contact with us, we will also record the contents of that contact in a secure digital system (Osiris). We may request documentary evidence if you are experiencing personal problems, such as illness or a disability. Where possible, it will be destroyed after having been read. We will look for a suitable form of proof if, for example, family circumstances are involved.
For data processing to be legally valid, we must be able to rely on one of the six legal bases provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
As an educational institution, we have been given a number of tasks under the law that relate to teaching. Many of those tasks are laid down in the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, WHW). We will sometimes process your personal data when performing those teaching duties. On such occasions, we will process those personal data because, for example, it is necessary for carrying out a task in the public interest. Under Section 7:34 of the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act, enrolment as a student confers an entitlement to use other facilities provided for the benefit of students, including the services of a student counsellor. The processing of your data by student counsellors is based on that Section.
We will retain your data for as long as you are enrolled as a student and will destroy them two years after you graduate or ten years after you have deregistered without a diploma. In this regard, we deviate from the new guidelines of the ‘Selection list for the administrative recording of public authority tasks and work processes not subject to public law of Dutch universities of applied sciences’. This is so that we can continue to support facilities for you with the Education Executive Agency (DUO) even in the event of long-term deregistration with retroactive effect.
Personal data are obtained from students, and we operate on the basis of the data you as a student have supplied yourself to Hanze's Student Administration and any records in Osiris that have been changed during your degree programme.
Student counsellors store your data in Osiris. Those data are confidential and not accessible to other employees of Hanze UAS or third parties, unless a legal obligation applies. Examples include obligations arising under the Student Finance Act 2000 (Wet studiefinanciering 2000) or the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act (WHW).
Internally within Hanze Student Support, access is given to:
- Hanze Student Support office staff: they have access only to the information they need to perform their duties and/or activities. Those tasks may include scheduling appointments, answering brief questions or, where necessary, making referrals. Those data are confidential and are not disclosed to other people.
- Hanze Student Support psychologists in the event of referrals by the student counsellors.
Automated decision-making means that decisions are made by computer programs or systems without any human intervention. The Student Counsellors’ Office does not use automated decision-making.
We take the protection of your personal data seriously and have taken appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, inappropriate disclosure and unauthorised changes. This way, your data will be accessible only by persons authorised to have access by virtue of their positions or duties. The information security and privacy policy is based on the Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA) Maturity Model of the Dutch professional association for IT auditors (NOREA) and the ISO27001/2:2017 standard. If you believe that your data are not being adequately protected or there are indications of misuse, please contact:
You are entitled to inspect, correct or delete your personal data. You are also entitled to object to the processing of your personal data by Hanze, with the proviso that internal notes of a counsellor are not available for inspection and therefore fall beyond the scope of the right of inspection.
You can submit a request for the inspection, correction, deletion or transfer of your personal data, a request to withdraw your consent or an objection to the processing of your personal data to [email protected]. We will respond to your request as soon as possible but within four weeks at the latest.
Hanze would also like to point out that you have the possibility to submit a complaint to the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
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