Dr. Eric Blaauw

Since 1 March 2016 I have been affiliated with Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen as a professor in Addiction Science and Forensic Care. In addition, I am a senior researcher at Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland and I teach at RINO Utrecht and Rotterdam to trainee psychologists in the field of psychodiagnostics and forensic psychology. I am also included as a pro-justice reporter in the Dutch Register of Judicial Experts. And finally, I provide diagnostics supervision to PIOG and GZ psychologists.

The Addiction and Forensic Care research group is sponsored by Addiction Care North Netherlands (VNN) and Applied Psychology, Social Work and Nursing of Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

I have done a lot of research and published a lot about, among other things, stalking, psychopathy, psychopathology of detainees, suicides in detention and forensic addiction care.

The research group focuses mainly on the possibilities for support from the environment for people with addiction, complex problems and people who have to deal with the police and the judiciary. Students and employees are welcome to join this, for example through thesis research.

erik blaauw

Eric Blaauw

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    Dr. Eric Blaauw

    Professor Addiction sciences and forensic care