
Start lustrum 225 jaar Hanze 2023.jpg

In 2023 we celebrate our anniversary: 225 years of developing talent and contributing to society. We will reflect on what we have achieved together, what we stand for together and what we are working towards in the coming years. Of course, it is also a very special milestone that we want to celebrate with employees, students, alumni, partners in the field and all our other relations.


During the anniversary year, there is traditionally a lot of attention for the fundraising for charities. During this anniversity we will be raising funds for: Stichting Urgente Noden - SUN Groningen, Friesland en Drenthe.


Stichting Urgente Noden - SUN Groningen, Friesland en Drenthe

Despite all the facilities in the Netherlands, some people still have urgent financial problems. These people can request emergency assistance from the Stichting Urgente Noden (Urgent Needs Foundation, abbr. SUN) through service and emergency workers. SUN believes that emergency aid should not depend on chance and together with municipalities, donors, service providers and aid workers, strives to ensure that no one falls to the cracks. With a gift, SUN prevents a lot of personal suffering, unnecessary escalation and social costs, and improves quality of life because a gift works as a safety net or springboard for adults and children with urgent needs. Examples where the foundation helps are:

  • A gift of 500 euros for the basic furnishing of a home for someone who will live independently again after a debt counseling process.
  • A contribution of 100 euros for a second-hand computer and a computer course for a resident with throat cancer who has difficulty speaking as a result. The computer and course reduce his isolation.

Both goals have ANBI status, so that donations are tax deductible.

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Design 225 years logo

The 225 years anniversary logo was designed by Flavia Sandu, second-year student Graphic & Interaction Design of Academie Minerva under the supervision of the Project Office of the Art Academy Minerva. The logo shows the unity of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the continuous cooperation, both in the past and in the future. The logo also reflects the connection that we as a learning community have with the region. 

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